Morbid Mortician
(Incest by Proxy)

Steal the body from the wake
Fucktoy formaldehyde marinade
pelvic region three weeks saved
maggot infested penis cave

Cum spattered carcass dries in the hall
Which hole is the best of all
The one when I fuck it; formaldehyde spurts
on my lips; like sweet dessert

Curling iron cunt warmer tool
Smell of charred sexual organs at your mother's funeral
Shake the hands of the survivors, their loved one's charred genital tissue
adhered to my fingernails with

Morbid Mortician
Maggot Masturbation
Digging dead larvae
from urethra
With ten gage wire

Risking infection
to evade detection
Cold cadaver cased
Throbbing Cock