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Don't forget to see our Podcast for free MP3 files; composed, performed, and produced by none other than the world famous Incest by Proxy.
Disclaimer: The lyrics and music presented on this site are of a highly vulgar and satirical nature. Although some may find this material extremely offensive, under no circumstances is it intended to harm, libel, or slander any particular individial. Incest by Proxy do not claim that any of the statements made on this website, or in the mp3 audio files and lyrics contained within it are factual. In conclusion, if you are easily offended, famous, or under age 35 please navigate away from this page! What the f*** is wallcocking anyway.

Incest by Proxy have been called "the greatest American band of all time." With the release of First Blood in August 2004, Incest by Proxy took America by storm with a tsunami of hit singles like "Morbid Mortician" and "Ronald Reagan Part 1". After completing a short tour in Michigan and Illinois, they returned to the studio to record First Blood II: Second Blood (Bush / Cheney '08 and Beyond). Released in December 2004, First Blood II: Second Blood became an instant success. Roland Barwinger of Rolling Stone said in a recent interview, "I ejaculated in my pants when I heard First Blood, but Second Blood made my penis outright explode... It was digusting... There was blood all over the insides of my pants - little fleshy chunks - and a hot stinging sensation that was beyond pain. It was a new level of consciousness."
After the release of First Blood II: Second Blood (Bush / Cheney '08 and Beyond) Incest by Proxy quickly returned to the studio to record their third album, The Incestuous Conception (Released January 2005). The Incestuous Conception, while containing a few traditional Incest by Proxy songs such as "Tam's Theme II", "Nickel Nymphomaniac", and "Feel Like Death 2005", showed an experimental side with songs such as ... next page -->