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..."Modern Feminism Blues", "Country Song", and "Ol' Fashion'". These songs, Incest by Proxy claim, were written to...
"Attract a broader fan base... We felt that we were not doing enough to please our neo-con fan base... These are the fans we feel we really identify with. Incest by Proxy support president Bush one hundred percent. George W. Bush is the greatest leader of all time... I mean, now we get to have this war and shit, isn't that what it's all about? Fuckin'... just like in the video games... I bet I could take out 20 Iraqis before I died... and then I would get to have at all those virgins. We don't understand why the liberal media continues to question the authority of our government. Isn't that, like... treason or something. And another thing that pisses us off... All this whining about the evil corporations. Here is a question for all you pussy, Joe Lieberman's dick suckin' liberals out there: How do you expect to have a job if there are no corporations? That's right, you don't. Instead of opposing the organizations that feed your worthless ass, you should worship them, and be thankful that you are privileged enough to have a job. They could just get someone in another country that doesn't have any stupid communist labor laws like we do, and pay them one tenth of what they pay you. Yeah... so just go ahead and fuck around with your comrades in the labor union, you will only succeed in wearing down the patience of our benevolent corporate masters. Most people have forgotten the virtues our country was founded upon. Here's one you may have forgotten, wealth is inversely related to the level of sin in your family's bloodline. This value is computed by the formula in Fig. 2.1:

The Sum of Sins
Fig 2.1 "The Sum of Sins"

And that's why your life sucks... your grandpa fucked his sister, and you pay for it. Yeah so, you liberals need to shut up about all their stupid problems like, "Dude, I like totally needed major surgery, and now I'm in, like, 100 thousand dollars of debt..." Fuck you, you should have bought some health insurance dumbfuck... its only $500/month. Lazy fuckin' commie freeloader. Why don't you just go suck on Castro's dick and see if he'll pay your medical bills.
Lyrics Discography

Bass Tab
Guitar Tab
Lyric Sheet

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